
Hi! I'm Jess at Raising Slow

Which one is your favorite?

Published 18 days ago • 1 min read

Hi there Reader,

Just popping in to see what your favorite Joyful Mama Joyful Kiddos Free Bundle offer is. (going on now until 11:59 PM EST tonight, April 24).

I’m really excited to jump into the Spanish Starter Kit and the Growth Mindset Summer. I've been dreaming of taking my kids to Costa Rica for years and want them to have some basic Spanish, but I haven't had a plan or jumping off point, here it is! I'm also excited to have a starting point to teach my little guys about goal setting and motivation.

Oh, and I already used the Comprehensive Travel Toolkit for Families to create a packing list for our weekend trip. I'm actually excited to pack for our next trip (well... maybe not excited, but not dreading it. Packing bags has been one of the things that I've talked about most frequently when it comes to managing my ADHD. This one resource helped in more ways than any other tip or idea anyone has ever given me).

Let me know what you're favorites are and what you think you'll get from them!

P.S. No idea what I’m talking about? 23 creators got together to give you some of our best courses, templates, and resources (for free) to help you conquer motherhood with confidence, grace, and joy.

Take a peek inside at the amazing goodies the Joyful Mama Joyful Kiddos Free Bundle offers. (But it's ending soon.

Hi! I'm Jess at Raising Slow

A peaceful, patient, present mama in process

Simple, Sustainable, Slow. Let’s create space for a more mindful and peaceful motherhood, together. Join me for tips to simplify, intentionally build a more values-aligned life, and slow down.

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