
Hi! I'm Jess at Raising Slow

🏰 The secret I kept for 5 years 🏰

Published 2 months ago • 2 min read

Hi Reader,

:Shhhh.... don't tell my kids." We live about 12 minutes from Disneyland (and always have).

And for the last 5 years, I've successfully kept that secret from them.

I know... It's hard to believe. Maybe you're hitting unsubscribe right now and thinking How could you 🤯🤯🤯?

Most of our friends do not understand why I would do such a thing or how I could even keep it from them when we can hear the fireworks from our house and see them pretty regularly.

For years, I just didn't want to go. I remember it always being so hot. The last time I went (when my sister's kids were very little), I saw so many kids melting down around 3:30 - it was way to much. Overwhelming, overstimulating, and overcrowded. Ugh.

And, I'm just not that into Disney (again, feel free to unsubscribe -- I know how polarizing this is).

Last week, I decided it was time.

Our kids are both (mostly) past late afternoon meltdowns, can walk a few miles, and are still young enough that it would be magical. And I'd be lying if I wasn't feeling a little peer pressure -- "You've never taken them?! You're going to miss out on the *magic*!"

So, we went. They could not believe how short the drive is (is it closer than grandma nonna's? Yes! What about Legoland? Also, yes!).

And it was as magical as everyone says it is. I was high on my kids' smiles and giggles for days.

So, why am I telling you this? Well...

I talk so much about two of my core values: presence and peace. Raising Slow is essentially built on those two. Less so on my third value. Today's email touches on that value: Play.

Sometimes, in all of the chaos, carpools, work, dinner, and laundry, we forget to have fun.

I do. And I read the words "Peace, Presence, Play," on my planner every day.

I'm not saying you need to play with your kids every time the ask -- or really all that often (unless you want to). If you've read this, you know that I don't like to play with my kids very much. But I do value playfulness and fun.

Motherhood should be fun. At least parts of it.

So, this is your reminder to do something fun with your kids. It almost certainly does not have to be as grand as Disneyland, just something that has you all giggling hysterically, skipping down the street, or dancing together in joy. Something to get you feeling playful and connected. Something that brings back your childhood wonder and joy.

I needed this reminder after a few long stressful months of being in a rut. And if you are where I was, this is your reminder too. Have some fun, giggle,

PS I've started working on something new with Raising Slow and I'd like to interview a few overwhelmed, undersupported mamas. This isn't a course or a sales call, just trying to learn a little more about you. If you'd be interested, let me know.

PPS If you aren't interested in a chat, I'd love to know a little about your life, right now. At the end of each email in the coming weeks, I'm going to ask a question to get to know you better. If you have a minute or two, I'd love to hear. This week, I'm wondering: What do you enjoy most with your kids? Without them?

Hi! I'm Jess at Raising Slow

A peaceful, patient, present mama in process

Simple, Sustainable, Slow. Let’s create space for a more mindful and peaceful motherhood, together. Join me for tips to simplify, intentionally build a more values-aligned life, and slow down.

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