Wednesdays are "my days"

Hi Reader,

Wednesdays are “my days.” As I type and schedule this, I’m sitting in a quiet(ish) cafe, sipping on too hot green tea and enjoying the freedom to just think.

It is the day each week that my husband takes them to school, they stay in after care until about 4, he takes them to a skatepark after, then flag football.

By the time they get home, everyone’s tired. It is our quickest dinner of the week. Just bean quesadillas and last night’s leftover salad.

Usually, my to-do lists are too long – a bad habit of mine (yours too?). But in the last few years, I’ve gotten better at prioritizing what must get done.

Yes, often, it is things like “call the roofer,” and “sign up for soccer.”

But it is also bigger things like, “plan Black Friday/ Cyber Monday promo,” and “finish the outline for Breath to Bloom version 2.”

Wednesday is the day that my vision comes to life. I sit down and take action. Sometimes it's a micro action. Some days this email doesn’t even get finished and so many other kid and house things come up that I don’t make a real dent in any of this.

But most Wednesdays, I do make a dent. I see at least a little bit of progress that gets me a little closer to my dreams for Raising Slow (which is my life’s purpose and vision). And that little bit of progress fuels me for the next week, it fuels me through the setbacks and disappointments. It gives me that momentum that I need to keep moving forward.

Yesterday, as I started to write this email, I had a moment of intense gratitude. That I have this one day for me, that our schedules fell into place to make it work, that I have something (Raising Slow) that I feel so aligned with and (usually) excited about.

So, I changed the theme of the email to write about these big dreams.

Many of us have our “pre-kid” dreams. We have these beautiful kids that are living, breathing examples of sometimes long-awaited dreams coming true. And then we have our “now” dreams.

Or maybe we haven’t even allowed ourselves to think about what we really want. Motherhood and the day-to-day grind can do that to us.

But this is our one and only life, and it is up to us to dream it and then build it. Right?

It doesn’t matter what that dream is. Whatever that is for you, in your heart, it is important to bring it to life. Your dreams matter. Your vision for your life matters.

Don’t push this off.

When you are thinking about the thing that you want and you start doubting yourself, maybe you’re thinking, “but I am too busy with the kids,” or “it isn’t the right time,” or “I am not ready.”

Now is the time.

If you’re reading this and thinking, “I don’t have time to even finish the laundry, how can I make progress on my dreams?” I see you. Or maybe, “It’s been so long since I’ve even considered what I,” I see you, too.

This is where Creating Vision comes in.

It’s a short, super impactful course that offers guidance on getting clear on those big dreams, what you want, what you want your kids to remember about their childhood, what your ideal family life looks like, what your dream life feels like.

You’ll get clarity on what really matters to you. And with that, You'll save time. You’ll immediately be able to say no to the things that don’t matter much at all. You’ll commit to the the dreams that you may have let go of.

And you’ll find ways to take action. Even if they are micro actions.

This course is focused on family life and motherhood, but you can use it to build your vision of your career, a business (🙋🏻‍♀️) your relationships outside of your family, your legacy – any part of your life.

This is truly the starting point to an intentional and mindful life full of purpose and what really matters.

This is the first step in most of my bigger courses, including Peaceful Presence, Peaceful Mamas, and where I recommend you start in a Raising Slow Membership. It is that important.

In fact, if you enrolled in Peaceful Mamas and only took one thing from it, I always say, I hope it is the vision piece.

If you'd like a push toward making your dreams come true, take a look here. You'll also get clear on your values and why these dreams are important. It's a great first step to the motherhood and life you want.

Yours in peace,

PS You can get Creating Vision for 20% off with the code Fall24 ($39.20). Or if you’d like to test it out and take a look at everything else Raising Slow has to offer, you can get the membership for 20% off your first month ($15.20) today and $19 a month each month after.

PPS In Creating Vision, you’ll get:

  • Clear on your values so you can say no to the things that don't matter and make room for what does.
  • Receive a guided values meditation that relaxes and opens your mind to what matters to you
  • Get core values list to inspire you
  • Create both a long- and short-term vision for your family
  • Learn ways to balance the essentials (carpool, work, laundry) with your vision
  • Begin intentionally creating a life you love
  • All the exercises and tools that I have used (and repeatedly gone back to) each year when imagining what I want and what’s to come. This clarity has changed our life in so many unimaginable ways.


When you're ready, here are a few way we can work together:

- Looking for an all-encompassing way to find the presence, connection and joy in motherhood you've been searching for even when you feel overwhelmed, stressed, and pulled in every direction? Join Peaceful Mamas here.

- Interested in leveraging the power of breathwork for calm, creativity, and energy? Get on the Breath to Bloom waitlist here.

- Curious about all the ways to embrace mindful motherhood, slow down, find ease and a little fun? Click here for everything I offer to go from overwhelmed to thriving.

- If you want access to all of it, join the membership here. You'll get every single thing I offer at your finger tips. Cancel anytime.

Let’s nurture a peaceful and present path together!

Hi! I'm Jess at Raising Slow

Simple, Sustainable, Slow. Let’s create space for a more mindful and peaceful motherhood, together. Join me for tips to simplify, intentionally build a more values-aligned life, and slow down. Sign up here for a 5-Day Slow Motherhood Challenge: