I need your help

Hello dear mama,

Thank you for being here with me on this motherhood journey. Raising Slow has always been a way for me to work through my own generational patterns, bad habits, lack of presence and patience.

Originally, It was my sole intention was to write. Just get it all down, hit publish, and hold myself accountable. And, it worked. Writing out my worries and concerns, telling you the mistakes I made and how I felt, committing to what I wanted to be as a mom (the actions, more often than the feelings), I felt better.

I want the same for you. So, I made a course. Maybe you remember Slow & Simple Motherhood? My first course and a true dream come true. It was bumpy. There were so many mistakes and tech hurdles. But, you stayed with me.

I am so grateful.

At the time, I focused a lot on simplicity. Still wholeheartedly believe in the value of simplicity (it’s part of one of my parenting mantras: Attention, Autonomy, and Simplicity).

But, I’ve moved away from that for Raising Slow. I’ve realized what I really want for all of us is more presence, more patience, and a lot more peace.

As I put together my Everything Page, I see the evolution. I feel it in my heart when I think of the next courses and products (more somatics, more mindfulness) on my mind and what I think about when I dream big for Raising Slow.

I need your help.

I want to give you what you want and need as I move forward. If you have a few minutes, head over to the Everything Page and let me know if there’s anything you are interested in that I haven’t touched on yet. Any product or service that would benefit you and your family.

What do you want to see next? What would make your motherhood journey more peaceful and mindful?

What kind of support do you want? What are you most interested in learning?

Hit reply and let me know.

Thank you for being a part of this journey. Together, we’re crafting a path to more mindful, peaceful motherhood.

With warmth and gratitude,

PS Head over to the Everything Page, let me know what you'd like to see in the coming months, and hit reply with your thoughts.

PPS Oh, and get 20% off everything with code FALL24.

Hi! I'm Jess at Raising Slow

Simple, Sustainable, Slow. Let’s create space for a more mindful and peaceful motherhood, together. Join me for tips to simplify, intentionally build a more values-aligned life, and slow down.

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