Setting our rhythm for more peace, less overwhelm

Hi Reader,

I’ve basically been in an overwhelmed haze all summer. Then two things happened: We went camping and I got a reset and we picked up our home school supplies and curriculum. I was pushed into the rhythm of the school year. And I so desperately needed it!

I’m finally starting to feel a sense of normalcy.

On Wednesday, I sat down and planned our daily rhythms (one for at home days and one for in-school days – weekends, well, they are left to fate!). I started working on our quarterly plans, my monthly plan and the week. I even made a September meal plan. Yeah, Wednesday was a good day!

And it felt good.

I have more to do, but I finally feel less untethered.

I have more purpose, I am reminded of my values, and I feel more at ease than I have in months.

As I was doing this, I was like, everyone needs this feeling. Everyone needs a rhythm, a flow, a plan. It just makes everything soooo much easier.

So, I decided to put my training Rhythm & Flow out here for $9 (was $37). It is what I used to set our rhythm, how I plan our weeks, months, and quarters.

Since Wednesday, I’ve gotten more done. I’m not asking “what’s next?” in our days (something I detest). In a few days, the kids will have a feel for it and transitions will be a little easier (hopefully that means fewer discussions over putting on shoes and brushing teeth!).

I’ve never priced anything this low. I’ll likely keep it at this price for a while, so no urgency in getting it how if it’s not for you right now. I will be doing a live “get your rhythm and plan your quarter” workshop on the 11th (details coming soon! And a replay will be available). So, if you enroll before then, you’ll have access.

I’m also recording a super easy meal planning / grocery simplifier video in the next few days that I’ll add to it as soon as it’s done – no promises on dates yet!).

Anyway, it’s a great little workshop. Takes less than a half an hour to watch the videos. A little longer to set your rhythm and plan your quarter.

You can find it here.

PS I'm also offering my membership for $19 a month (which I don't do very often) as the upsell on Rhythm & Flow. You'll pay $9 today and $19 each month you stay enrolled. So, if you're not all that interested in Rhythm & Flow, but have considered Peaceful Mamas or Breath to Bloom (or any of the Raising Slow products), this is a great time to get it!

Hi! I'm Jess at Raising Slow

Simple, Sustainable, Slow. Let’s create space for a more mindful and peaceful motherhood, together. Join me for tips to simplify, intentionally build a more values-aligned life, and slow down.

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