A complete reset

Hi Reader,

A few weeks ago a friend said ”let’s go camping in Big Sur.”

I had 238 reasons to say no, a few of them good.

But, we had two weeks at home before school starts and I imagined the three of us struggling to find things to do, boredom, the restlessness and whining that comes from boredom, overly hot days, too much tv… and I thought, why not.

Within minutes of arriving, I felt my chest loosen. A few days later, and I felt lighter than I have in months. Slow hours hiking, wading the river, rock scrambling, beach napping… watching my kids marvel at it all reminded me of why we choose slow, why we strive for simplicity and ease.

I let things go (we forgot a cutting board! We brought the wrong air mattress! You fell in the river with the last dry sweatshirt on!). I was forced to focus on what to do next, the one thing I can do (Wear your brother’s sweater! Sleep horizontal! Just make dinner, however it needs to be made!).

On the last night, we conga’d around the campfire and into the tent. I was having fun with my kids. I was not in a heightened state of overwhelm or worry.

I got it back!

We’re still in the midst of a difficult season. One short trip won’t take that away. But getting an opportunity to put it all away for these days and just be, getting back to the heart of my chosen (rather than reactive) parenting style, being the me I want to be instead of the rage-filled, fear-motivated, anxiety-riddled me I’ve been over the last few months was an absolute gift.

I was given a complete reset. The old rhythm, the old priorities weren’t working. These 4 days allowed me to start fresh today.

We’ve been back for a few days and the ease is still here. I am spending the next few days focusing on planning our school year and working out our rhythm and homeschool plans.

As I figure out our plans for the next few months, I am reminded to find ways to hit reset on life so I can get back to a slower, simpler rhythm that suits us all. I’m reminded to do this from a values-centered perspective, to find escapes to nature (even if they aren’t 4 days camping). To build these resets in before I get so far out of our orbit I struggle to return.

I hope this email serves as a reminder for you to take time to reset as well. To notice if your current rhythm isn’t working, if you’re living in a state of stress or overwhelm, if you’re days aren’t shaping up to the life you’re trying to build.

PS in the next few days, I’ll be talking more about rhythm and getting back into it. I will be working on my fall calendar and daily rhythm live on September 11. If you’re interested in how I put together a rhythm for our days and a flow to our years, reply and I’ll send you details.

Hi! I'm Jess at Raising Slow

Simple, Sustainable, Slow. Let’s create space for a more mindful and peaceful motherhood, together. Join me for tips to simplify, intentionally build a more values-aligned life, and slow down.

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