
Hi! I'm Jess at Raising Slow

Simple, Sustainable, Slow. Let’s create space for a more mindful and peaceful motherhood, together. Join me for tips to simplify, intentionally build a more values-aligned life, and slow down.

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101+ Ways to Simplify Your Life

Hi Reader, A few weeks ago, I wrote about my annual fall effort to simplify, my general failure at doing so this time of year, and the inevitable near panic attack I have as the season unfolds. It gets busy this time of year for most of us. Our schools expect more, our kids expect more (costumes! gifts! parties!), we expect more of ourselves (I mean, I am decorating for no less than 5 holidays and a birthday in the next few months). I start out with the absolute best intentions. "This year I...

A wooden table topped with a brown bottle filled with flowers

Hello dear mama, Thank you for being here with me on this motherhood journey. Raising Slow has always been a way for me to work through my own generational patterns, bad habits, lack of presence and patience. Originally, It was my sole intention was to write. Just get it all down, hit publish, and hold myself accountable. And, it worked. Writing out my worries and concerns, telling you the mistakes I made and how I felt, committing to what I wanted to be as a mom (the actions, more often than...

a person holding a bunch of apples

Hi Reader, Yesterday was Rosh Hashanah (or the Jewish New Year). Shana Tova if you celebrated. I love Rosh Hashanah, and any other reason besides January 1 to have a new beginning. A reminder that no matter where we are, what we are doing, we have a chance to start fresh. As a mama, this feels important almost daily. The permission to reset, reevaluate and potentially repair every day, the regular readjustments to the seasons and our little ones' needs, and our own physical and emotional...

Hi Reader, Right around this time of year, we all notice the leaves and cooler days (although we almost certainly have a few more 100-degree beach days in our future). We're well set with our school and extracurricular schedules. Things feel... easy. Then, I get the first note about Halloween. And start thinking decorations, costumes, party plans... From then on, we ramp up through Harvest festival, family birthdays, Thanksgiving... you know the drill. It's inescapable. I love all of it. It...

Hi there Reader, I've been talking about it for awhile, so you likely already know. As I was setting up our rhythm and plan for the next few months, I realized how important this process is for me and how much time it saves me (and how much peace it brings). I decided to offer you the process, Rhythm & Flow. It’s $9. It’s quick (less than an hour to watch and about that to implement). It’s going to save you time and bring you peace. I’d love for you to experience the power of rhythm in your...

Our Thursday Rhythm

Hi Reader, I know, I know, routines are boring. We love the idea of spontaneity and being able to go with the flow (or at least some of us do 🙋🏻♀️). But, the moment we have kids, spontaneity? going with the flow? Nope. They need structure.They need to know what's next. And if they don't? Well... we've all experienced transitional struggles. They need a rhythm (and so do we). In reality, building a rhythm is an energy saver. A sanity saver. It makes transitions easier, you eliminate decision...

Hi Reader, I’ve basically been in an overwhelmed haze all summer. Then two things happened: We went camping and I got a reset and we picked up our home school supplies and curriculum. I was pushed into the rhythm of the school year. And I so desperately needed it! I’m finally starting to feel a sense of normalcy. On Wednesday, I sat down and planned our daily rhythms (one for at home days and one for in-school days – weekends, well, they are left to fate!). I started working on our quarterly...

Hi Reader, A few weeks ago a friend said ”let’s go camping in Big Sur.” I had 238 reasons to say no, a few of them good. But, we had two weeks at home before school starts and I imagined the three of us struggling to find things to do, boredom, the restlessness and whining that comes from boredom, overly hot days, too much tv… and I thought, why not. Within minutes of arriving, I felt my chest loosen. A few days later, and I felt lighter than I have in months. Slow hours hiking, wading the...

Hi there Reader, I thought about sending this email with the subject line, “Do as I say…”. You’ve heard it before, maybe from your parents or another caretaker, maybe on the Big Bang Theory? Instead, I listened to Taylor. You're probably gearing up or have already started school, which means getting back into the rhythm of life. We have a few more weeks, which feels far away now, but I know on September 11, it will feel like it flew by. So, today, I started prepping. Well, to be more honest,...

Hi Reader, It has not been my best summer. Like most summers, I had big plans. We always have more childcare all summer than the rest of the year. By June, I had a few big goals for Raising Slow and a few goals for our home. I wanted to garden! I wanted to get back into Instagram! I hoped to paint our exterior wall and garage! I wanted to use Pinterest to grow Raising Slow. I hoped to train for a triathlon. But I didn’t. I spent most of the summer trying to figure things out. Figuring out how...